How to Work Smarter and Achieve More

November 20, 2023

How to Work Smarter and Achieve More

As managers and leaders of our own organizations or businesses, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed by pressure and the ever-increasing demands of work. The urge to run faster and work longer hours can be relentless, driven by external pressures from clients or bosses, and often by our own self-imposed expectations. However, falling into the trap of being a busy fool can lead to decreased productivity and an unhealthy work-life balance. To avoid this, we must learn to focus on the right priorities and work smarter, not harder.

Educator, author, businessman, and speaker Stephen Covey referred to the "activity trap," where we become so engrossed in doing tasks that we forget to question whether we are pursuing the right goals. It's easy to get caught up in the rush and urgency of deadlines, but in doing so, we might sacrifice the quality of our work and make avoidable mistakes. Instead, we should shift our focus to outcomes and end results to ensure our efforts align with our long-term goals.

To be more effective and achieve more each day, here are ten practical tips to consider:

Take Ownership: In leadership positions, everything that happens in the business is ultimately your responsibility. Set aside dedicated time to plan and envision where you want the organization to be in the next few years.

Emphasize Planning: The act of planning is more important than the plan itself. Dedicate a few hours each week to think and plan strategically, even when you feel overwhelmed by daily tasks.

Specialize and Excel: Focus on being outstanding in a few areas rather than spreading yourself thin across multiple tasks. Find your niche and become the best at what you do.

Cultivate Creativity: Step away from your desk from time to time to encourage creative thinking and innovation. Often, our best ideas arise unexpectedly, so pay attention to when you feel most inspired.

Challenge Unrealistic Deadlines: When faced with unrealistic deadlines, consider pushing back when possible. While it's not always feasible to get more time, taking a moment to evaluate can lead to more reasonable expectations.

Seek a Problem-Solving Buddy: Don't hesitate to discuss challenges with someone else. Talking through problems can help you clarify your thoughts and find solutions more effectively.

Avoid Procrastination: Be decisive and take action. When you have tasks to complete, either do them, delegate them, or discard them. Don't waste time pondering where to start.

Systematize Repetitive Tasks: Streamline repetitive tasks by creating processes and systems. This will save time and improve the quality of your output.

Prepare for Important Meetings: Anticipate what might happen and what may be said during crucial meetings. This allows you to plan your responses in advance and reduces the pressure in the moment.

Assess Time Usage: Keep a detailed diary for one week to evaluate how you spend your time. Identify areas where you can be more efficient and make adjustments accordingly.

By embracing these strategies, you can shift away from the busyness trap and become more effective in your work. Remember, success is not just about the number of tasks completed but also the quality of the outcomes achieved. Focus on working smarter, not just harder, to drive long-term success for yourself and your organization.