Prioritizing the Small Stuff in a World Gone Wild

January 31, 2024

In the dynamic realm of real estate leadership, where demands accumulate relentlessly, mastering prioritization techniques is indispensable for maintaining order and efficiency. The challenge arises when confronted with a multitude of urgent tasks, leaving limited time to address everything. To navigate this complexity, it is crucial to embrace prioritization methods tailored to discern the vital from the trivial. Here's an in-depth exploration of various powerful techniques:

Priority Matrix: Strategic Course Charting

MoSCoW Method: Unveiling Task Essentials

ABCDE Method: Crafting Your Priority Hierarchy

Scrum Prioritization: Strategic Task Sequencing

Bubble Sort Method: Comparing Task Significance

Most Important Task (MIT) Method: Focused Daily Prioritization

The Ivy Lee Method: Simple Yet Powerful Daily Prioritization

1-3-9 Prioritization Technique: Balancing Importance and Urgency

Two Lists Technique: Warren Buffett's Approach

Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule): Maximizing Impact

                               Bonus: Team Prioritization Methods

For real estate teams facing larger-scale decisions, consider these methods:

Kano Model: Prioritizing features or tasks based on customer satisfaction

The Kano Model is a strategic framework employed to prioritize features or tasks within the real estate industry based on their impact on customer satisfaction. Developed by Professor Noriaki Kano, this model categorizes features into three types: Basic Needs, Performance Needs, and Delighters. By understanding how these features influence customer satisfaction, real estate professionals can strategically allocate resources to address essential requirements, enhance performance, and introduce delightful elements, ultimately ensuring a tailored and impactful customer experience.

Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF): Calculating priority based on job size, time, and business value

Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) is a prioritization technique widely utilized in real estate leadership to determine the order in which tasks or projects should be tackled. This method calculates a weighted score for each task, factoring in job size, time sensitivity, and business value. By considering these critical elements, real estate professionals can make informed decisions about task prioritization, ensuring that efforts are focused on tasks that contribute the most significant business value relative to their size and urgency.

RICE Scoring Model: Evaluating tasks based on Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort

The RICE Scoring Model is a comprehensive framework employed in real estate leadership to evaluate and prioritize tasks based on four key factors: Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. Developed by Intercom, this model quantifies the potential of a task by considering its reach (the number of users or stakeholders affected), impact (the degree of positive change it brings), confidence (the level of certainty in the estimates), and effort (the resources required for completion). Real estate professionals use this model to systematically assess and rank tasks, ensuring that efforts are directed towards initiatives that offer the greatest overall value while considering practical feasibility and resource constraints.

Choosing Your Strategy: 

The key is not which technique to use, but rather selecting one that aligns with your workflow and preferences. Experiment with different methods or blend elements from various techniques to create a personalized approach. What matters most is finding a strategy that feels natural and helps you conquer the chaos of real estate tasks effectively.